
Summer Reading 2024!
Our Summer Reading Program will kick-off on Saturday, June 22nd. This year we will have both a Kids Reading Challenge as well as an Adults Reading Challenge. Be sure to pick-up your first Summer …
Windham Concert Band Moved to Sunday!
  MOVED TO SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2024 at 6:00 PM Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy a spirited performance!     The Windham Concert Band is under the direction of Dr. Kristin …
Connect With Us!
Would you like to stay up to date on all the happenings at the Windham Free Library? Connect With Us by signing up for our email list and be the first to know about …
Jazz In The Garden
Sunday, September 8, 2024 Starting at 3:00 PM We hope you will join us for this joyful annual event in support of the Windham Free Library.  Jazz in the Garden will be hosted again …

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Located on the green in Windham Center CT, the Windham Free Library provides a place for book-lovers to gather, engage with their community, and relax in beautiful surroundings. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can help you find whatever you’re looking for, from classic literature to the latest thriller. The library stages a number of exciting events each year including concerts, kids activities, reading programs in conjunction with Windham Center School, and much more. Check our calendar of events for further details and check back often for updates.


Please fill out the form below with your inquiry and we’ll be in touch.