Author: adminamy828
Bibliomation Instructions
To search for any book titles, movies, magazines, including new children’s books or DVDs, please see our catalogue at Bibliomation. When searching Bibliomation for a book, please know that if you do a title search, the title must be word-for-word accurate, or it may not show that we actually have it. If this happens, try instead with a key word search – or simply begin with a key word search.
If you wish to search our entire collection without looking for a specific title, that can be done as well, through our website link mentioned. For example: if you wanted a list of all available DVDs, or Magazines, or ALL Books (this is how they’re listed) simply follow these instructions.
- Leave the first box that says “Search” completely blank
- In the next box to the right, where it says “Type” just scroll to Keyword
- In the following box to the right, that says “Format” scroll to DVD, (or Magazines, or All Books)
- And in the next box that says “Library” please be sure that Windham Free Library is in THAT box. Then simply press “Search” and give it a few seconds. You’ll be able to see every title we have!
You may also wish to try an author that you’ve never read before. You can either go to our catalogue for a synopsis of these titles, or to Amazon if you like to read the critiques.
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