Inclement Weather Policy
The Windham Free Library has updated its Inclement Weather Policy and we are sharing it here for our patrons to familiarize themselves with. Thank you for your support of the library, we look forward to seeing you soon!
JIG Photo Gallery
It was a rainy Jazz in the Garden 2023– but we did snap a few pictures!
We hope you will enjoy viewing these pictures from the 2022 Jazz in the Garden event!
Photos Courtesy of Barbara McClintock
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Would you like to stay up to date on all the happenings at the Windham Free Library? Connect With Us by signing up for our email list and be the first to know about upcoming events, library news, programs, additions to our collection and more! All conveniently delivered right to your email inbox. Subscribe today by clicking here!
Donate today to the 2024-2025 Annual Appeal!
We are so grateful for your support of the Windham Free Library! As a valued part of the Windham Community, the library is able to provide a safe space for patrons to gather and borrow books, chat with neighbors and friends, enjoy music programs, participate in summer family programs, pet alpacas and learn about animals and nature. In addition, our small but mighty library staff is always ready to answer questions, locate books and make recommendations to meet your reading needs.
Your support from our previous Annual Appeal campaign has helped the library complete multiple maintenance projects to our beautifully historic building, finance our summer programs, procure new books and materials, keep our technology up-to-date, and much more. We have learned the library could not keep its doors open without the essential support provided by friends like you.
While we never set a fundraising goal, every dollar raised from our campaign goes directly toward the daily operation of the library. With that in mind, we ask that you consider making a donation to the Windham Free Library so we may continue to
Bibliomation Instructions
To search for any book titles, movies, magazines, including new children’s books or DVDs, please see our catalogue at Bibliomation. When searching Bibliomation for a book, please know that if you do a title search, the title must be word-for-word accurate, or it may not show that we actually have it. If this happens, try instead with a key word search – or simply begin with a key word search.
If you wish to search our entire collection without looking for a specific title, that can be done as well, through our website link mentioned. For example: if you wanted a list of all available DVDs, or Magazines, or ALL Books (this is how they’re listed) simply follow these instructions.
- Leave the first box that says “Search” completely blank
- In the next box to the right, where it says “Type” just scroll to Keyword
- In the following box to the right, that says “Format” scroll to DVD, (or Magazines, or All Books)
- And in the next box that says “Library” please be sure that Windham Free Library is in THAT box. Then simply press “Search” and give it a few seconds. You’ll be able to see every title we have!
You may also wish to try an author that you’ve never read before. You can either go to our catalogue for a synopsis of these titles, or to Amazon if you like to read the critiques.
For free downloadable e-books or audio books you can go to